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Online clothing shopping sites select quality Sweaters,Pants,Running shoes,Shirts,Slippers,Dress shoes Online clothing shopping sites select quality Sweaters,Pants,Running shoes,Shirts,Slippers,Dress shoes
Home Overcoat Comfort
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Size:15mmThese BdeS earrings are now fitted with top quality ear wires for comfort and security

The Celtic culture holds a deep belief in the power and symbolism of spirals, which can be seen in their ancient artwork and sacred sites. The BdeS spiral collection draws inspiration from these symbols, including the famous Newgrange site and the standing stones of the Dingle Peninsula. With its representation of life's journey and growth, and its connection to eternity and protection, the spiral is a powerful and enduring symbol throughout history.

Experience the perfect blend of minimalist elegance and versatile style with our Spiral Drops. Elevate your everyday look or add the finishing touch to a special occasion ensemble effortlessly.

Spiral Drop Earrings

  • SterlingSilver
  • 9Karat
  • 14Karat
  • 18Karat

$ 90.00

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Online clothing shopping sites select quality Sweaters,Pants,Running shoes,Shirts,Slippers,Dress shoes
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